A Day For Horses
Yesterday I took drive outside the city to a graduation party. I didn’t know anyone that was going to attend, but that was OK, there would be cake. As I drove further away from home the air began to change- it was thick, and smelled like cut grass and honeysuckle. My Garmin began barking directions at me as I slowly exited the parkway. Twisty country roads took me closer to my destination until I came upon a detour sign- ugh. I continued along the road as my GPS began recalculating my route. Zigzagging back and forth, I was surely getting further, not closer to the party. Looking out my window I noticed large open fields; there were also working farms with cattle and other animals… what a contrast from the city living that I’m used to. Farmhands were tending to the land and animals; they were working at a slow, relaxed pace. I noticed horses grazing in a large field and made an impulsive decision to see if I could engage them, so I pulled off the road to say hello. It had been many years since I had any type of interaction with these majestic animals; I had forgotten how big and beautiful they are. I approached the fenced-in area where they stood, and made a cackling sound with my mouth. One of the horses became interested, and cautiously made his way towards me. The stallion looked into my eyes as I slowly extended the palm of my hand and softly touched his forehead; his coat was sleek and a bit oily. After a few light strokes, he trustingly lowered his enormous head and I was able to pet his muscular neck. He was a truly majestic, powerful animal, but at the same time, extremely docile. During my interaction with the horse I noticed something very powerful- I wasn’t thinking about the future or past, I was simply present in the moment. After a few minutes the horse raised his head once again, glanced in my eyes, and trotted off- he must have had more grazing to do. Returning to my car, I realized the significance of my experience- it was time to slow down a bit, and live in the now.
I continued to the graduation party, following the detour signs once again. This time, however, I was able to appreciate the surroundings and drive slowly. As I continued along I came to another difficult realization- all that I had lost along the way worrying about the future.
The party was fun- I got to meet some new people, and the cake was fantastic. The same horses caught my attention as I drove through the back roads once again- they were still foraging in the field soaking up the sun. As I made my way back to the city I made a promise to myself; from now on I will always make time to pet the horses.