New Heinz Ketchup Packets

Heinz Ketchup
New Heinz Ketchup Packets
Everyone uses them – the small packets of Heinz ketchup. We put them on fries, burgers, and sandwiches; I’ve even seen some of my friends eat the ketchup straight from the packet. The packets are useful, but not particularly easy to use. First of all, they’re difficult to open. Rip them open with your teeth, but then you inevitability get ketchup on your fingers, shirt and even pants. One other drawback of the current design – you have to find a clean surface to put the ketchup on to dip your french fries. Secondly, it’s necessary to open at least to open at least three packets in order to have an adequate amount of ketchup to complete your meal.
Well, Heinz has finally done it – they’ve addressed both of those issues. The bottom of the packet can be opened and the plastic removed exposing a perfect dipping container. The top can also be opened so the ketchup can be squeezed out. Lastly, and most importantly, Heinz has tripled the amount of Ketchup in each container! Kudos on a great job Heinz! At last, an important ketchup revolution that will benefit us all!

Heinz Ketchup Packets
We want to know- what do you think of the new design? Let us know, and we’ll post your thoughts.
Chef Chuck Kerber