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If you are heading out, Cooks and Eats has in-depth Pittsburgh restaurant reviews that put local eateries to the test so you don’t have to. So regardless if you are cooking at home or eating out, make sure you check out Cooks and Eats!

Square Cafe, Pittsburgh, PA

Since its inception in May of 2003, Square Café has enjoyed great success. Located in the quaint neighborhood of Regent Square, residents are able to walk to the small restaurant and enjoy homemade food.

Shady Grove, Pittsburgh, PA
Shady Grove Restaurant

You know it’s going to be a long week when it’s Monday night and already you are too lazy to cook. Luckily, I’ve got this sweet new gig that allows me to justify going out to dinner pretty much whenever I please (and can afford it)! On this creepy fall evening, I decided to head to Walnut Street in Shadyside. We wanted some “low-key” good, ol’ American food. We headed to Shady Grove.

The Cheesecake Factory, Pittsburgh, PA

That is how I feel about The Cheesecake Factory. In my opinion, there is nothing great about it, but it’s certainly not the worst restaurant. It’s fine.

Harris Grill, Shadyside, PA
Harris Grill

When I thought of Harris Grill, I’d think of a bunch of hipsters sprawled out on the patio with clove cigarettes and PBR, talking about their new garage band or their sister’s new girlfriend.