Gluten Free

Gluten Free
Gluten Free
Even though I don’t believe in resolutions, I am going to try and stop eating gluten in the New Year. My sister and niece have celiac disease, so chances are, I may have some predisposition to the condition myself. There’s only one problem: I love all things flour. Some of my favorite gluten-filled treats are: homemade breads, and pasta… maybe cookies, too… and cake. Besides eradicating this toxin from my body, I’m also excited at the prospect of losing a few holiday pounds.
The downside
Apparently there are a few downsides to eliminating certain foods from your diet entirely. First, you can’t indulge in delicious, flour-filled foods anymore. Secondly, you have to endure the physical symptoms of the withdrawal. A few things one can look forward to are: dizziness, headache, frequent urination, and strange food cravings (all of which I seem to be enjoying recently).
The upside
After a few weeks of detoxing I’m hoping to be energized, and euphoric- I’m also hoping to become healthier in the process.
There you have it- an interesting food experiment that will hopefully yield some interesting data, all of which I will share.
I’m also toying with the idea of giving up sugar.
Maybe I do believe in resolutions.
Chef Chuck Kerber
Happy New Year Chef!
and Good luck in your new resolution! 🙂
I’m trying to go gluten free as well. Have you read Wheat Belly by William Davis? Good read and a total eye-opener on modern wheat. Good luck and good health!
I will look it up, thanks!
Being celiac, I’ve been gluten-free for about seven years. There are done very good pastas out there…imported from Italy. BiAglut is the best of the bunch IMO. Make a trip to Soergels in Wexford and talk with Amy Soergel for dynamite info and the best selection of top quality gf products anywhere. Good luck, Chuck!
Congratulations on a great decision! I gave up gluten about seven years ago. It was the best, and possibly the easiest thing I’ve ever done! If you actually have Celiac, you may not experience the withdrawals. I didn’t have any of the symptoms you described. Instead, I started getting energy from eating! Wheat is a nutritional weenie. As you explore all the awesome alternative grains and seeds you’ll find foods that taste incredible. My favorite discovery: tabouli made with quinoa instead of bulgar. I hope you never look back.