Blog Archives

Eggs Benedict

I really enjoy brunch and breakfast foods. One of my favorite items to make is Eggs Benedict. If you’re not familar with this dish is consists of poached eggs, Canadian bacon, an English muffin, and most importantly, hollandaise sauce. Hollandaise sauce is an egg-butter emulsion with a hint of lemon and cayenne pepper. If you haven’t had it before, its time to give it a try.

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All-Clad Cookware

People are constantly asking me what type of pots and pans to buy. It’s never an easy question to answer, but there are some suggestions that I can offer. First of all, try to stay away from aluminum- it’s an unfriendly cooking surface, and can contribute to the discoloration of sauces. Try to stick with stainless steel that’s at least 1/8 of an inch think. Next, look at the base of the handles- what type of fastener is used to connect the handle to the pot? If it is simply spot-welded, don’t buy it. Although these welds are for the most part effective, they can corrode and become unstable. Imagine yourself carrying 30 pounds of boiling water, only to have the handles fall off- not good. There should be some type of fastener that goes through the pot, and the handle like a rivet or screw, also stainless steel. Many top-end companies have started using copper with stainless steel in the fabrication of their cookware. Copper is an excellent heat conductor, but can also add significant cost to your purchase.

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Restaurant Etiquette

My increased visits to restaurants lately have inspired me to write this piece on etiquette. There are certain things you should, and shouldn’t do while dining out. Here are a few to examples.

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Cake Pictures

On Saturday, April 24th, I had the opportunity to be one of the judges at the annual Midwife Center Cake Competition. Here are photos of some of the entries- let us know which ones you like the best!

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Conspiracy in the Kitchen

First of all, both Chef Kerber and Katie Lane are beautiful people; both inside and out. Kerber’s blue eyes rival Paul Newman’s (sigh!) and his quick smile is very disarming. Katie’s small, delicate frame effuses a grace and femininity from an era before either of these two was born. They’re attractive, good looking folks who don’t take themselves too seriously….until you get to the work part.

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Ice Cream

When I was a kid, my parents would drive my sisters and I out to the Kerber Dairy farm in Irwin. Once every few years, the Kerbers (my cousins) would have a family reunion, and invite the entire extended family. Kerbers would come from all over the state, probably close to a hundred in all. We would play lawn darts, eat roasted pig, and most importantly, devour large amounts of ice cream.

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Gardening Tips

Springtime is here. It’s time to get out your gardening equipment, till the soil, and prepare for your garden. It’s been a long hard winter, but all of that extra snow has actually had a positive effect on something- extra moisture in the soil. This extra water will help your plants thrive and have an advantage right from the start! If you’re planning on having a vegetable garden, try getting your plants in the ground by Mother’s Day.

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Faberge Shmaberge

In celebration of Easter (candy), I’d like to share an excerpt from Anthony Bourdain’s show, “No Reservations”. While visiting Spain, Bourdain spent some time with an artisan chocolatier named Enric Rovira. Rovira doesn’t just make chocolate. He brings it to life! Chocolate is an art form; each unique creation is the result of much experimentation with temperature and time and only the best chocolate recipes. In this episode, Rovira shows Tony (and us) how he makes his world-famous Easter eggs.

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Bluefin Tuna, Japan

The Japanese people consume over 80% of the world’s bluefin tuna. Over the past several years, private Japanese environmental groups have been trying to have legislation passed restricting the amount of fish that can be pulled from the waters.

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Let Them Eat Cake, Pitttsburgh, PA

Over the past four years, I have had the opportunity to be one of the judges at the annual Let Them Eat Cake event at the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. The event, which benefits The Midwife Center of Pittsburgh, has enjoyed increasing success over the years. The true allure of the affair are the beautiful cakes, all of which are homemade. Take a look, pick your favorite, and even have a bite! Besides being able to enjoy the artistry of the pastries, you can listen to live music, sample delicious food, and bid on items at the silent auction.

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