Monthly Archives: February 2010
I’ve been to the Mediterranean Grill on a few occasions over the past two years. It always bewilders me that I have to walk downstairs to get to the restaurant. Yeah, it’s underground and there are no windows- nada. The setting seems more like an office than restaurant, with carpeted floors and plain walls. If you have problems with closed spaces, this probably isn’t the place for you.
People are always asking me what type of olive oil to get. That’s a tough question. There are so many different type of oils; thousands actually. There are domestic oils, imported, olive oils made for dressings, and others made for every-day use. Let’s start with the basics.
If you’re on Ellsworth Avenue keep a look out for a small red neon sign that reads “umi.” The sign is unassuming , but I assure you, in no way does it represent the awesomeness that awaits you inside.
Chocolate dipped strawberries are the perfect gift- they’re easy to make, the berries are readily available during the winter season, and the process is easy. Take the time to make your special someone some homemade chocolate dipped strawberries and you’ll be sure to get a kiss at the end of the night!
There are times when you want to go out and get a bite, but aren’t interested in making a production out of it. Sometimes it’s nice to go to dinner and not have to worry about getting dressed up, making reservations, or worrying about understanding a complicated menu. Well, I have a suggestion for you- Foli’s Restaurant/Bar in Braddock Hills.