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French Fries in a salad? Yeah, you heard me…fries and greens. Shortly after I moved to Pittsburgh, I ordered a grilled chicken salad, and it came with gobs of cheese and French fries. It seemed odd to me, I mean, don’t the fries cancel out the health benefits of the mixed greens? Well, I’m not sure, but it sure tastes good- especially with extra ranch dressing. One such restaurant that specializes in the French fry-salad combo is Dunning’s in Regent Square. It’s a family-friendly restaurant that has been around for the past 20 years. Dunning’s food is straightforward; no complicated sauces, expensive cuts of veal, or white tablecloths. What they do have is good burgers, grilled chicken dishes and salads with French fries.
You know it’s going to be a long week when it’s Monday night and already you are too lazy to cook. Luckily, I’ve got this sweet new gig that allows me to justify going out to dinner pretty much whenever I please (and can afford it)! On this creepy fall evening, I decided to head to Walnut Street in Shadyside. We wanted some “low-key” good, ol’ American food. We headed to Shady Grove.