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Last weekend my sister was celebrating her birthday, and wanted to meet at Narcisi Winery in Gibsonia, PA. I had never heard of the winery, but was eager to have a meal with my family, and enjoy some Italian food and wine. A bit of a preface- Pennsylvania wines are usually less than exceptional because of the lack of sun, wet climate, and baron soil. What results, are wines that are lacking body, and depth. Most east coast wines are also unbearably sweet.
The Commoner is located in Hotel Monaco on Strawberry way in Pittsburgh, PA. This eclectic new gathering spot isn’t your common city …
Katie and I were spent; too much going on in our lives- we needed a few drinks to help us unwind. It was a typical Thursday night in Regent Square; pedestrians were out picking up their dry-cleaning (trying not to get hit by cars as they crossed Braddock Avenue), having dinner, and running errands. We weren’t interested in doing anything productive- we needed cold beer and talk-therapy. Neither of us had been to The Loft, so we decided to give it a try.
Question: What do you do when Chef David Racicot opens a restaurant in Oakmont? You make a reservation. Friday night, we made it down to the opening of Notion, Chef Racicot’s new eating establishment in Oakmont, PA.