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There have been many additions to the Regent Square dining scene over the past few years. For the most part, the private business owners who have chosen to start a restaurant in the east end have been successful. So, what does it take to be a restaurant owner?
Opening a public business, especially a restaurant can be a complicated process, and risky endeavor. There are many factors to consider; let’s examine a few.
When the temperatures rise, so does your internal thermometer- your body has to work twice as hard to stay cool, and it’s easy to become dehydrated. So, what are the right ways to keep your body operating efficiently? Before we explore that answer, let’s look at what you should not be drinking.
When of the best parts about summer is ice cream- cold, frozen cream with sugar… yum. When I was a kid, my father would take me to Baskin Robbins. “Don’t tell your Mom we had ice cream before dinner, she’ll get mad,” he would say. We would always order the same thing- two scoops of chocolate fudge ice cream on a sugar cone; extra napkins to wipe away the evidence, please. In the two miles that it took to get home, we would finish our cones. My father would look in the rear-view mirror to make sure he didn’t have any signs of chocolate on his face; then he would make sure I was clean as well. My mom never suspected, but I imagine she was curious when my dad and I only had a few bites of dinner.
I love Chef Chuck’s homemade mint chocolate chip cookies. I love these delicious, mouthwatering cookies because you can really taste the mint chocolate chips. The white chips are so good! Together those ingredients make Chef Chuck’s cookies the best!! I could live in a world of them, that’s how great, luscious, yummy, and awesome Chef Chuck’s cookies are.
I grew up in a big extended family. We lived in my Grandmother’s house along with several sets of aunts, uncles and cousins galore. The kitchen was our common room. During the week we did our homework on the kitchen table. That’s where we had every meal and it was the site for about 6 hours of prep work leading up to the communal Sunday meal.
“Where are some of the safest places to eat?”
Before I go into the particulars of what food safety inspectors look for, I’m happy to report that all of the dining establishments in Regent Square have received excellent food safety reports! Besides a small infraction here or there, I’ve never heard of anyone becoming sick after eating at one of the local eateries.
Are you pleased with your progress toward healthful nutrition and fitness habits, but frustrated with that of your children?
Do you suspect that the lunches you send to school are traded or thrown away? Do you shudder at the sight of your pantry shelves displaying high-fat snacks and sugary cereals that you vowed you would never buy? Can you really win the battle against advertising, peer pressure and kids’ love affairs with sugar and fat?