Monthly Archives: January 2011
I’ve been obsessed with buttermilk biscuits ever since I ate my first portion of Biscuits and Gravy when I was a kid. I loved the gravy, but the star of the show was the fluffy biscuit. Buttery and dense, the small doughy creation had my attention…
Please be advised that Fede Pasta has posted a calendar on its homepage, and has several events coming up in the month of February. Pasta Classes, an Open House, and Valentine’s Day dinner will be offered. If you have a special event, or are interested in having the Chef design a small cooking class for you and your family or friends, please just ask!
From time to time I will experiment with new brands of knives; I’m always looking for the perfect cut… that perfect balance in my hand.
I recently purchased two Shun knives from a well- known distributor.
Finally, I made it a point to visit Monterey Bay on one of my last vacation days of the year. Ryan and I visited the renowned seafood restaurant for lunch on a Monday afternoon.